Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Ah.. its been a long time..... oh by the way Bravo's 100 funniest comedies - SUCKS

All I really need to say about this ranking gone wrong is that Monty Python’s The Holy Grail ended up at number 40! Yes, I know you are shocked. So was I.

Who exactly is on Bravo’s committee to pick the best 100 comedies ever? Was this a high school class assignment - turned into a show? It is as if the ranking body of this auspicious "top 100" took a bravura list off the internet and added a few wild card picks based on what their kids told them at dinner.

Okay Bravo, time to fess up to the horrible editing error that took place on a lap top in someone's kitchen when the writer stepped out to use the restroom. It appears that when the writer returned, he/she accidentally “accept all changes” after his or her teen age daughter punched in her comments using the Word “track changes” feature in their absence?

If you have not seen the list, let me give you a preview (even though it kind of chills me to relive the event): Meet the Fockers ranked in at number 25, which beat out Annie Hal! Shampoo was ranked at number at number 21 - exactly how did this movie even rank? I can think of at least a 101 comedies that are much better than Shampoo. Shrek ranked in at number 3?!!! Holy Lord!

Let's try and forget for one second that these movies beat out The Holy Grail, Annie Hall, and A Fish Called Wanda, but honestly has anyone ever witnessed anyone around the water cooler telling a joke by Warren Beatty from Shampoo, even though I am sure it is replayed with fervor (with a glowing TWO STARS) just after ‘Skinamax’ at 3 am.

Bravo must have forgotten how professional order and ranking happens. Can I help? For starters: One, don't use the hat method when finalizing the “best comedies” in movie history. And two, ask a comedian and if they are not around ask the guy in the cubical next to you. Bravo, should leave the ranking of comedies to the professional movie watchers and stick with what they know best – telling straight America how to stay fashionably hip.


CitizenBuck said...

Goodnight. I'm horrified. Shrek was number 3? No. No. No. Maybe they did the show in reverse order?

"...has anyone ever witnessed anyone around the water cooler telling a joke by Warren Beatty from Shampoo"


Billy Ivey said...

That'll do, donkey. That'll do.

Good lord.

robyn blaikie collins said...

sheesh... thanks for bringing this gross injustice to our attention... for shame for shame...

brain power well spent, dr.